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River's Show Record

December 2, 2000 -- Savannah, GA
Savannah Kennel Club
Judge -- Desmond Murphy
Bred-by Exhibitor Bitches
Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex
no points available

December 3, 2000 -- Savannah, GA
Savannah Kennel Club
Judge -- Alan Harper
Bred-by Exhibitor Bitches
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex (1 pt)

February 2, 2001 -- Atlanta, GA
Judge -- Edward Jenner
Bred-by Exhibitor Bitches
2nd place

June 29, 2001 -- Long Beach, CA
Dalmatian Club of Southern California
Judge -- Susanne Hughes, DVM
Sweepstakes 15 months and under 18 months
2nd place

July 2, 2001 -- Ventura, CA
Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty
Judge -- Sue McCord
Sweepstakes 15 months and under 19 months
4th place

October 21, 2001 -- Albany, GA
Thronateeska Kennel Club
Judge -- John T. Connolly
AmBred Bitches
1 / WB / BOW / BOS (1 pt)

December 6, 2001 -- Biloxi, MS
Northlake Kennel Club of Greater Covington LA
Judge -- Vera Halpin Bistrim
AmBred Bitches
1 / WB (1 pt)

December 7, 2001 -- Biloxi, MS
Pearl River Kennel Club
Judge -- Kathleen M. Grosso
AmBred Bitches
1 / WB (1 pt)

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