Email Character Stripper
Dr. Callanan's Universal Character Stripper and Patent Medicine
Author: Patrick Callanan pcallanan@zzapp.org
How many times have you wanted to eliminate some characters from a
file? How many emails have you received that have been forwarded
twenty times and are full of '>' characters? You could take the
time to cut them out by hand before you forward them to your co-worker
or your spouse, but a character stripper saves a lot of time. Use
"Dr. Callanan's Universal Character Stripper and Patent
Medicine" gadget to eliminate the junk.
Makes an excellent sunscreen as well!
Removes unwanted characters, unsightly hair, warts,
boils, corns, and all types of skin cancer in just one application!
Check the characters you wish to eliminate, paste the document into the Sick Text box,
and click "Heal Me."
Send mail to sommerdal@dalmania.net
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Unless otherwise stated on individual pages, all graphics, site content, and
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Copyright © 2000,2001 by Heather Gearhart, dba Sitting
Spots Web Design
Last modified: December 07, 2001