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Chapter 3
DCA Road Trial Regulations -- 2001

CHAPTER 3 - Course Set-Up.

SECTION 1. Veterinary Check Points.
The gaiting portion of the Start/Finish Veterinary soundness exams shall ideally be conducted in an outdoor area at least 30' wide and 30' long, preferably no more than ½ mile from the start of the course. The Mid-Point Veterinary check shall be conducted at the approximate mid-point of the course, as much as is practicable. The gaiting portion of the Mid-Point Veterinary exams shall be conducted on as level and wide a surface as is available. The ground in both cases shall be as clean and level as practical, and the grass, if any, should be cut short. The Host will provide leashes, and water for dogs and horses, at each of the Veterinary Checkpoints. If possible, the Host shall provide exam tables at each of the Veterinary Check points.

SECTION 2. Warm-Up.
A starting line and a finish line shall be designated. After leaving the starting line and before beginning the Exercises, each team shall be allowed approximately a one-quarter mile warm-up stretch to allow the dog(s) and horse(s) to settle. This warm-up distance shall be measured as part of the overall distance.

SECTION 3. Overall Course Layout.
The length of the CC course shall equal the length of the judged exercises for the RD and RDX course. The length of the course for the RD classes shall cover a total distance of 12 ½ miles. The length of the course for the RDX classes shall cover a total distance of 25 miles.

The course trail must be marked with trail markers that are bright, legible, and tamper and weather resistant. The course must be marked with a minimum of one directional marker per mile, and two directional markers per every crossroad, fork, or path. The course must also be marked with distance markers (i.e. "Mile 1", "Mile 2", "Mile 3", etc.) a minimum of every 2 miles. Water must be available for dogs at a minimum of every 2 miles.

Course layout is at the host's discretion, and any portion of the course may be repeated in order for exhibitors to fulfill the required distances. It shall be the responsibility of the Host to attempt to secure a site that is appropriate for both horse under saddle and carriages/carts. A separate course for the endurance portion of the Trial may be provided for carriages/carts if the available horse trail will not accommodate carriages/carts, and an appropriate carriage/cart course is available. All entries will still be required to perform the same judged exercises, in the same designated area, and to complete the required distance for their respective classes. If, in the opinion of the Host Road Trial Committee, an appropriate trail or alternate trail for carriages/carts cannot be secured, the Host may suggest that exhibitors ride horse under saddle. Such a suggestion must be printed in the Premium List for the Road Trial.

SECTION 4. Course Layout, Mounted Judge Exercises.
A specific area shall be designated by the Road Trial Host for the Mounted Judge to conduct the exercises under his jurisdiction. It is preferable, but not required, that the portion of the Road Trial under jurisdiction of the Mounted Judge be as close to the starting line as possible to still allow for the required ¼ mile warm-up.

For the CC and RD classes: for the HOCK exercise, there shall be yellow-flagged course markers on either side of the trail indicating the measured distance is near, followed by green-flagged trail markers indicating the start of the two-hundred yard distance, followed by red-flagged trail markers indicating the completion of the HOCK distance. The Hock Exercise for the CC and the RD classes shall follow an approximate straight line, as much is practicable, if the terrain permits. These markers shall serve as a general guide, and the Mounted Judge's orders shall in all cases take precedence over the location of the trail markers.

For the RDX classes: for the RDX HOCK exercise, the exercise shall consist of a figure 8 for a total distance of 200 yards, when practicable, or a 200 yard distance with at least two turns. The RDX HOCK exercise shall be marked and flagged at the start, turns, and Finish, at the discretion of the Host. These markers shall serve as a general guide, and the Mounted Judge's orders shall in all cases take precedence over the location of the trail markers.

For all classes: In the DISTRACTION exercise, each team must continue past the distraction for about 20 yards. The start and finish of the RECALL, DISTRACTION, and STAY exercises shall be at the discretion of the mounted judge.

SECTION 5. Course Layout, Speed Exercise.

A specific area of the course shall be designated for the SPEED exercise. If the Mounted Judge is to be the only judge, as provided for in Chapter 6, Section 1A & 1B, the SPEED exercise must be located within or directly adjacent to the area provided for the other exercises. If a second Judge (Course Judge) is provided, it is preferable, but not required, that the portion of the Road Trial course designated for the SPEED exercise be as close to the section of the course that was used for completion of the Mounted Judge exercises as possible.

For the SPEED exercise, there shall be green-flagged trail markers indicating the start, and red-flagged trail markers indicating the finish of the one hundred-yard distance that the exhibitors are required to traverse. This 100-yard stretch shall not go downhill, but shall be flat, or cover a gentle upward slope. The ground shall be as smooth as possible, and free of holes or other hazards.

The Judge of the SPEED exercise shall be situated in such a way as to not frighten the horse, preferably at a mid-way, elevated point, and his steward(s) shall be instructed to remain quiet and still during this exercise.

SECTION 6. Spectator Area.
The Host must designate and mark an area for spectators that will allow the spectators to watch without enabling them to distract or interfere in any way with the performance of the exhibitors or their dogs or horses while they are being judged.

SECTION 7. Course Check Point(s).

There shall be at least one steward or sign-in sheet posted along the course at whatever point(s) deemed necessary by the Trial Host in order to verify each team's completion of the required distance.

SECTION 8. Review of Course.
Whenever possible, the Host shall conduct a review of the course with the exhibitors, judge(s), and, if possible, Veterinarian(s)/Vet Tech on the day before the Road Trial, and shall notify the exhibitors of the time and date of this Course Review within two weeks of the date. It shall be the exhibitor's responsibility to arrive at the Road Trial site in time to attend this Course Review, and the Host shall not be required to conduct subsequent reviews for exhibitors who fail to attend the scheduled review.

Exhibitors are encouraged to ride their horses (personal or rental) in the judging area without dogs on the day before the Trial. Exhibitors are encouraged to warm up their dogs with horses in an area away from the judged exercises the day before the Trial, and the morning of the Trial if an area is available. If rental horses are available, the supplier of the rental horses should be requested to make the horses available to ride with dogs on the day before the Trial, at the expense and liability of the exhibitor(s). As per these Regulations (Chapter 1, Sec. 22), no intensive training methods, special collars, etc., will be allowed during this pre-Trial Review of Course.


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Last modified: November 06, 2001