If you have information on any BAER testing locations that are not listed
here -- please let me know. Send an email
with name of tester, name of clinic, clinic address, phone, fax, and email
address; or you may use the form found here.
United States (alphabetical order by
Dr. A. Edward Marshall Auburn University Department of Anatomy
& Histology
109 Greene Hall College of Veterinary Medicine Auburn University,
AL 36849-5518 334-844-6741, fax 334-844-4542
Dr. Janet Steiss
Scott-Richey Research Center Auburn University College of Veterinary
Medicine Auburn University, AL 36849 334-844-5564 steisje@vetmed.auburn.edu
Dr. Kim Knowles The Veterinary Neurological Center 4202
East Raymond Street Phoenix, AZ 85040-1935 602-437-1488, fax
602-437-5425 mail@vetneuro.com
Dr. Donald Levesque The Veterinary Neurological Center 4202 E. Raymond
St. Phoenix, AZ 85040-1935 602-437-1488, fax 602-437-5425 DCLNEURO@aol.com http://www.vetneuro.com/
Dr. Randall C. Longshore
The Veterinary Neurological Center 4202 E. Raymond St. Phoenix, AZ
85040-1935 602-437-1488, fax 602-437-5425 mail@vetneuro.com http://www.vetneuro.com/
Dr. Dana Bleifer
Warner Center Pet Clinic
20930 Victory Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Dr. Michael Ericson 25
Adeline Dr. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-930-0383, 925-934-6596, fax
Dr. Stephen Hanson Southern
California Surgical Group 17672 Cowan Ave., Suite A-100 Irvine, CA
92614 949-833-9020, fax 949-833-7530
Dr. Richard Hoskins Redwood
Veterinary Clinic 1946 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 707-542-4012, fax 707-542-2440
Ms. Susan Hurt
2965 Tuxedo Place
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Dr. Greg Kortz Veterinary Specialty Hospital P.O. Box
9727 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 619-759-2543, fax 619-756-2543
Dr. Thomas Schubert
Old River Veterinary Hospital
520 West 11th St.
Tracy, CA 95376
Dr. Candace A. Sousa Animal
Dermatology Clinic 5701 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819
916-451-6445, fax 916-451-2257
Ms. D. Colette Williams UC Davis
Vet School Davis, CA 95616 530-752-1393
Dr. Mark H. Wright Plaza
Veterinary Clinic 7340 Firestone Blvd., #117 Downey, CA 90241
Dr. Paul Cuddon Colorado State University CVMBS-VTH, Clinical
Sciences 300 West Drake Road Ft. Collins, CO 80523 970-491-4461,
fax 970-491-1275 pcuddon@vagus.vth.colostate.edu
Dr. Patricia J. Luttgen Neurological Center for Animals 8045 W. Hampden
Ave. Lakewood, CO 80227-4903 303-989-4656, fax 303-989-4666 PJLNEURO@aol.com
Dr. Mary O. Smith Colorado
State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital 300 West Drake Road
Fort Collins CO, 80523 970-491-0316, fax 970-491-1275 msmith@vagus.vth.colostate.edu
Dr. Pierre Bichsel Animal
Emergency & Referral Center 3984 S. US Highway 1 Fort Pierce, FL
34982 561-466-3441
Dr. Julia Blackmore 2239 S. Kanner Highway Stuart, FL 34994
Dr. Andy Hopkins North
Florida Neurology 1015 SE Lake Lane Keystone Heights, FL 32656
904-269-7070, fax 352-473-5580
Dr. Gillian Irving Tampa Bay
Veterinary Neurology
1501-A Belcher Road South, Suite 1-A Largo, FL
33771-4505 727-535-3600
Dr. Glen Mayer Abell Animal Hospital 6032 Northwest
Highway Chicago, IL 60631 713-631-6727
Dr. Philip March Purdue University, School of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences 1248 Lynn Hall West Lafayette, IN
47907 317-494-9333, fax 317-496-1166
Dr. Karen Kline Iowa State University Veterinary Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 515-294-4900, fax
515-294-9281 kkline@cvm01.vm.iastate.edu
Dr. Walter C. Cash
Department of Anatomy and Physiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-5602
785-532-4510, fax 785-532-4557
Dr. N. Sidney Remmele
Remmele Animal Clinic
2060 Idle Hour Center
Lexington, KY 40502
606-269-0000, fax 606-269-0022
Dr. George M. Strain Louisiana
State University School of Veterinary Medicine Baton Rouge, LA
70803 225-388-5833, fax 225-38-5983 strain@lsu.edu
Dr. Ronald O. Schueler Mid
Atlantic Veterinary Neurosurgical and Neurologic Group 32 Mellor
Avenue Baltimore, MD 21228
410-788-6616 NeuroVet@aol.com
Dr. Larry A. Gainsburg Mid-Atlantic Veterinary Neurology and
Neurosurgery 32 Mellor Avenue Catonsville, MD 21228 410-747-3577
Dr. Stacey Sullivan Dr. Alan Potthoff
Animal Neurological Clinic
352 Warren Ave
Portland, ME 04103
207-878-3122, fax 207-878-0843
Dr. Jay McDonnell
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine 200 Westboro Road
Grafton, MA 01536
508-839-5395, Ext. 84696 (Lesley)
Dr. Julie Haas
Vet Care Specialists
205 Rowe Road
Milford, MI 48380
Dr. Charles Lowrie Michigan State University Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital East Lansing, MI 48824-1314
Dr. Shirley B. Shelton Michigan Veterinary Specialists 21600 West
Eleven Mile Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-354-6660
Dr. Michael Wolf Oakland
Veterinary Referral Service 1940 S. Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hills,
MI 48302 248-334-6877, fax 248-334-3693
Dr. Dave Jennings Mississippi State University College of Veterinary
Medicine, Drawer V Mississippi State, MS 39762 601-325-1489
Dr. Dennis O'Brien University of Missouri College of Veterinary
Medicine 379 East Campus Drive, Rm A375 Columbia, MO 65211
573-882-7821, fax 573-884-5444 obrien@vets.vetmed.missouri.edu
Dr. Don York 747 Trago Creek Ballwin, MO
63021 314-230-3411 Donyork@concentric.net
Dr. Anthony DeCarlo Red Bank
Veterinary Hospital 210 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank, NJ 07701
Dr. Edgar Gasteiger Cornell University 304 Ithaca Rd. Ithaca, NY
14850 607-253-3547
Dr. Richard Joseph
Animal Medical Center - Bobst Hospital
Department of Neurology
510 East 62nd Street
New York, NY 10021-8383
Dr. Ellis Loew Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Physiology T6-026A Ithaca, NY 14853 607-253-3484, 607-253-3490
Dr. Susanne Hughes Colony
Park Animal Hospital 3102 Sandy Creek Dr. Durham, NC 27705
Dr. Michael Podell The Ohio
State University Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences College of
Veterinary Medicine 601 Vernon L. Tharp St. Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-3792, fax 614-292-0895 podell.1@osu.edu
Dr. James Breazile Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary
Medicine Stillwater, OK 74078-0107 405-744-8089
Dr. Robert A. Kroll Oregon
Veterinary Specialty Clinic 4905 S.W. 77th Ave. Portland, OR 97225
503-292-3001 krollr@ohsu.edu
Mr. Larry Martin
Audiology services
2371 Oakmont Way
Eugene, OR 97401
Dr. Steven Skinner Oregon Veterinary Referral Center 4905 S.W. 77th
Ave. Portland, OR 97225 503-292-3001 SFSNEURO@aol.com
Dr. Daniel M. Burnside
Quakertown Veterinary Clinic 2250 Old Bethlehem Pike Quakertown,
PA 18951 215-536-6245
Dr. Betsy Dayrell-Hart
TESTER University of Pennsylvania, Department of Clinical Studies
School of Veterinary Medicine 3900 Delancy Street Philadelphia, PA
19104-6010 215-898-6473, fax 215-573-3925 bdh@pobox.upenn.edu
Dr. Mickey Sims University of Tennessee Department of Animal Science
College of Veterinary Medicine POB 1071 Knoxville, TN 37901-1071
Dr. Joan Coates Texas A&M University College of Veterinary
Medicine Small Animal Medicine and Surgery College Station, TX 77843
409-845- 2351
Dr. Karen Dyer Inzana
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Duck Pond Drive
Virginia Tech University
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-4621 or 540-231-5929
Dr. Linda Shell
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Duck Pond Drive
Virginia Tech University
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-4621 or 540-231-5929
Dr. Mary Fitzpatrick
Spanaway Veterinary Clinic
16920 Pacific South Ave
Spanaway, WA 98398
Dr. Michael P. Moore Washington State University Veterinary Clinical
Sciences, CVM Pullman, WA 99164-7060 509-335-0711, 509-335-0792, fax
509-335-3330 MPM@vetmed.wsu.edu
Dr. Anne Chauvet University of Wisconsin Veterinary Clinic 2015 Linden
Dr. West Madison, WI 53706 608-263-7600, fax 608-265-8020 chauvet@svm.vetmed.wisc.edu
Dr. Susan Cochrane Morningside
Animal Clinic 4560 Kingston Rd. Scarborough, Ontario M1E 2P2 Canada
416-284-9205, fax 416-287-3642
Dr. Gillian D. Muir University
of Saskatchewan Veterinary Physiological Sciences 52 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 5B4 Canada 306-966-7353, fax 306-966-7376 muir@admin3.usask.ca
Dr. Joane Parent University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College
Department of Clinical Studies Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Canada
519-823-8830, fax 519-767-0311 jparent@ovcnet.uoguelph.ca
Dr. Andree Quesnel Universite
de Montreal Faculte de Medecine Vet. 3200 Rue Sicotte, C.P. 5000 St.
Hyacinthe, Quebec J2T 2L6 Canada 514-778-8111, fax 514-778-8110 quesnea@magellan.umontreal.ca
Sites Outside North America (alphabetical order by
Dr. Jorge Scaramal Professor and Head of Internal
Medicine Universidad de Buenos Aires Facultad de Ciencias
Veterinarias Chorroarin 280 (1427) Buenos Aires Argentina
Fax 5411-262-5154
Dr. Clive Eger Murdoch University Veterinary Hospital School of
Veterinary Studies South Street Murdoch, Perth, Western Australia,
6150 Australia 61-09-360-2641, fax 61-09-310-7495 eger@numbat.murdoch.edu.au
Dr. Richard Malik University of Sydney Veterinary Clinical Sciences
B10 - Evelyn Williams Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia 61 2 9351
3437, fax 61 2 9351 4261 malik@mail.usyd.edu.au
Dr. Sue Sommerlad University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland
61 7 3365 2110
Dr. Gerhard Biberauer Kleintier-Ordination Mittertreffling Audiometrie - Service Wagnerweg
2, A - 4210
Engerwitzdorf Austria
0043/ 7235/ 50 550 Fax. 0043/ 7235/ 50 550-4 biberauer@kleintier-ordination.com
Dr. Gerold Maier
A-3400 Klosterneuburg
43 (0) 2243 83869
Dr. Luc Poncelet
Small Animal Surgery Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Liège
B-4000 Liège (Sart Tilman)
Mrs. Celia L. Cox The Hearing Assessment Clinic Red Lane House,
Shawford Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2AA England
44 1962 713155 (phone and fax)
Dr. Julia Freeman Centre for Small Animal Studies Animal Health Trust,
PO Box 5 Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 8JH England
44 1638 55 2700, fax 44 1638 55 5600 julia.freeman@aht.org.uk
Dr. Susan N. Fitzmaurice
Neurology & Neurosurgery Referrals
3(4) Park Avenue
Bedford, Bedfordshire
MK40 2JY
(will test in Scotland, Ireland, & other UK)
(07970) 387027, fax (07971) 047279
Mrs. Mary Greening British Dalmatian Club - BAER Coordinator
Tollcross, Church Lane, Moreton Newport, Shropshire TF10 9DS
England +44 (0) 1952 691518
Dr. J. Skerritt Cranmore Referral Services 140 Chester Raod Childer
Thornton, South Wirral CH66 0AL England 44-151-339-5454
Dr. Suvi Pohjola-Stenroos
Clinivet Oy
2 A
Lohja as
fax 358-19-383 473
Dott. Maurizio Dondi
Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria
Universita di Parma
Instituto di Clinica Medica Veterinaria
Via del Taglio, no. 8 - 43100
39 521 293853, fax 39 521 293302
Dr. Massimo Mariscoli Medico Veterinario Dipl.ECVN UNIVERSITA' DEGLI
STUDI DI TERAMO Dipartimento Scienze Veterinarie e
Agroalimentari Località Cartecchio - Via F. Crispi, 221 I- 64100 Teramo
Italy 39.0861.266.979 fax 39.0861.211.407 mariscoli@ipscmv.vet.unite.it
Dr. N. Dykshoorn
3704 HE
030 6954264, fax 030 6950004
Dr. Anjop J. Venker-van Haagen
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals
PO Box 80.154
3508 TD
Dr. Antony Goodhead Onderstepoort Veterinary Hospital University of
Pretoria Onderstopoort, 0110 South Africa JAEH@op1.up.ac.za
Dr. Remo Lobetti
Department of Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Science University of
Private Bag X04 Onderstepoort, 0110 South Africa
27-12-5298000, Fax: 27-12-5298308
Dr. Lennart Sjostrom
Regiondjursjukhuset i Strmsholm
(Strmsholm Referral Animal Hospital)
S-730 40
+46 - 22043200 lennart.sjostrom@vasteras.mail.telia.com
Send mail to sommerdal@dalmania.net
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Unless otherwise stated on individual pages, all graphics, site content, and
design is
Copyright © 2000,2001 by Heather Gearhart, dba Sitting
Spots Web Design
Last modified:
December 07, 2001
